Friday, October 3, 2008

Naming the opposite of actual...

What if a formal parameter does not have the precondition != null? I have started to try out aBookingOrNull, like in

private void UpdateFrom(Booking aBbookingOrNull)

You may argue that this is just the complement of anActualBooking, so one of them is redundant. Instead, I could use either of the couples
  • aBookingOrNull vs. aBooking (or just booking)
  • aBooking (or just booking) vs. anActualBooking
I agree. But seeing aBooking (or just booking) on its own, it is not intuitive which of the couples I have settled on. So, for the time being, I prefer the couple where each of the two alternatives is explicit:
  • aBookingOrNull vs. anActualBooking

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Precondition Naming Pattern

As a dedicated fan of Design by Contract, I search to maximize the value of what I see as its two major contributions, communication and verification. The problem is that i.e. C# does not support executable comments. Information to a client programmer may be specified in a summary comment (will appear in a tooltip) and verified by a Debug.Assert, like this:

/// <summary>
/// Pre: booking != null
/// </summary>
private void ConnectTo(Booking booking)
    Debug.Assert(booking != null);

However, this introduces an undesired redundancy. So how to convey in particular method preconditions to a method caller without this reduncandy?

The technical precondition actualArgument != null is very common. Perhaps a naming pattern or naming convention might do, for instance anActualWhatever, the "actual" part stressing that the variable should actually refer to an object. I could get rid of the informatory comment, since the same information is conveyed through the name of the formal parameter:

private void ConnectTo(Booking anActualBooking)
    Debug.Assert(anActualBooking != null);

I think I will test this idea for a while.